Ignou Notes

Ignou Assignment Notes

Define Osmosis, Field capacity, Morphogenesis, Vernalisation, Overall Senescence

Define Standardized recipe, Work schedule, Adolescent growth spurt, Synergism, Food poisoning

Define stomatal frequency & stomatal index. Make a chart of macronutrients & micronutrients with function

Describe how active transport takes place across the plasma membrane in plants

Describe electron transport pathway through photosystem I & photosystem II with suitable diagram

Describe the following briefly-CFU-M, L stem cells in mammals, Test for genomic equivalence

Describe the following briefly-Role of morphogenetic field in development of eye, Role of prothoracic gland in insect metamorphosis

Describe the stages of regeneration of salamander limb and the role of proto-oncogenes in the induction of cancer

Describe the basic process of oogenesis (animals) & make a chart to classify the eggs (animals)

Describe with appropriate examples the role of environment in the determination of sex

Detail the Watson & Crick model of DNA structure. How did it fit in the data provided by Chargaff?

Describe with clear diagrams the variant cambial activity in the stems of Bignonia & Aristolochia

Important point to keep in mind while selecting meat & meat products, fats & oils

Determine the allelic & genotypic frequencies of a randomly mating laboratory population of Drosophila

Different methods used for assessment of nutritional status

Discuss general causes of congenital defects & various theories of cellular aging

Discuss the applications of Plant Tissue Culture in Agriculture, Horticulture & Industry

Discuss why photorespiration is called "necessary evil"

Differentiate between Enhancers & inhibitors, Essential & Non-essential amino-acids

Does the operon concept apply to Eukaryotes? Describe a suggested mechanism for gene regulation in Eukaryotes.

Important point to keep in mind while selecting rice & wheat, fruits, milk & milk product

Explain with clear & labelled diagrams the ways in which genes can be transferred in bacteria

From given blood types, determine which baby belongs to which parents, also give reason.

Explain difference between Instructive & permissive interactions, Mosaic & regulatory embryos, Radial & spiral cleavage, Regeneration & embryonic development.

Home-scale food preservation methods

Functions & disorders caused by the deficiency of Niacin, Folic acid, Protein, Riboflavin, Vitamin D

Identify the correct words from the brackets

In crosses involving given traits what are the most likely parental genotypes of Drosophila

List four dietary considerations to keep in mind while planning meals for One year child, Adolescent girl

What have we come to know about the nutrition of embryo from in vivo & in vitro studies

Make a schematic diagram of the ontogeny of anther wall layers & microscope mother cells

Basic functions of vertebrate kidney. Adaptations in terrestrial. Explain synaptic transmission. How calcium ion acts as physiological regulators?

Meal patterns of Tripura

Nature & functions of Estrogens in mammals. Formation & secretion of amino acid based hormones with diagram

Prepare two nutritious snacks for a child attending an anganwadi & for an elderly

Differentiate between Xeropthalmia & keratomalacia, PUFA & saturated fat, Food law & food standards

Objectives & components of Mid-day meal programme & ICDS

Relationship between nutrition, health. Functions & food sources of Vitamin A & calcium

Ultimate fine structure mapping of a gene or a chromosome. How it impact the study & application of Genetics

True and false: a) Mars has several features that are similar to Earth. b)Nuclear wastes are biodegradable.

The tradition and social functions of science

Using diagrams explain the Holliday Model for the molecular mechanism of recombination

Briefly discuss the dietary modifications/preventive measures-Diabetes Mellitus, Iron Deficiency Anaemia

Present a detailed account on Syngamy & Triple Fusion.

What are the different records you would maintain in a food service unit? Enumerate.

What do you understand by the term 'Fundamental Rights' as given in our constitution?

What do you understand by the term 'Human Security'? Briefly discuss

What does an oxygen dissociation curve show? Describe the method of glucose absorption.

What do you understand by the term 'Renaissance'?

What do you understand by the term 'social structure'? Discuss.

Write short note on 'Biological responses controlled by Phytochrome'

Briefly explain how the nutrient needs of adults are influenced by Activity level, Body size, Age

Write short note on 'Biological clocks'

Read the activity carefully & record your result in the format provided

Write short note on 'Family as a social institution'

Write short note on 'Fenson & Spanner electroosmotic flow hypothesis'

Write short note on 'Juvenile Justice Act'

What is a balanced diet? List the steps involved in preparing a balanced diet.

Write short note on 'Factors responsible for deaths due to heat'

Write short note on 'Modes of respiration in animals'

Write short note on 'Red Drop'

Write short note on 'Regulation of kidney function'

Write short notes on Oncogenic viruses and Antigen-antibody reactions

Write the terms for the following

Define Anatomical dead space

Write short note on 'Effect of gastric hormones'

Define Pheromones

Comment on Mahatma Gandhi's role in the national movement

Resting potential in a nerve cell

Define Parthenogenesis

How are peroxisomes and lysosomes generated in a cell? What are their functions?

Define Cardiac output

Comparative chart of function of all plant hormones. Practical applications of plant hormones

Aim of Mid Day Meal (MDM) Program

Write a short note on Human Security

What does Blood pressure mean? Process of Fluid transfer.


Healthy Minds and Healthy Bodies - The Dual Aims of the Mid Day Meal Programme

The Science Behind Antigen-Antibody Reactions - How Our Bodies Fight Infection

The Watson and Crick Model of DNA:A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the Structure of Life

A Beginner's Guide to Fundamental Rights and Their Significance