Differentiate between Xeropthalmia & keratomalacia,PUFA & saturated fat, Food law & food standards

  1. Xeropthalmia & Keratomalacia
  2. PUFA & saturated fat
  3. Food law & food standards

Xeropthalmia & Keratomalacia

Xeropthalmia refers to the eye manifestations arising due to vitamin A deficiency. These signs are night blindness, conjunctival xerosis, bitrot spots, corneal xerosis, corneal ulcer & keratomalacia.

Whereas, the most dangerous form of xeropthalmia is known as keratomalacia. In this condition, the cornea becomes very soft & raw & easily infected. It leads to the destruction of the eye. In other words, the eye gets completely melted & destroyed. This condition inevitably leads to irreversible blindness.

PUFA & saturated fat

The impact of a high-fat diet on the failing heart is unclear, & the differences between polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) & saturated fat have not been assessed. Here we compared a standard low-fat diet to high-fat diets enriched with either saturated fat or PUFA with genetic cardiomyopathy.

Male δ-sarcoglycan null Bio TO2 hamsters were fed o2 standard low-fat diet or high-fat diets comprised of either saturated fat or PUFA. The median survival was increased by the high saturated fat diet but not with high PUFA.

Food law & food standards

Food law : Food law is extremely important for providing wholesome, nutritious, poison-free food to the public. The main objective of food law are-
a) To protect the consumer against any health hazard arising out of adulteration. b) To protect the consumer from unfair practices. c) To ensure & enforce fair trade practices.

Food standards: Various committees including representatives from the government, consumers & industry formulate the Indian Standards Institution (ISI). Standards are laid for vegetable & food products, spices & condiments, animal product & processed foods.

The products are checked for quality by the ISI in their own network of testing laboratories of Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, Chandigarh & Patna or in a number of public & private laboratories recognized by them.

Last Updated: 2/22/2020, 5:32:58 PM